With the Stay-at-Home and Social Distancing orders still in place where we live the Take Joy Society has not been able to get together since February. This is indeed a difficult and strange time we are living in, and I know many difficulties have arisen for many people. Each of us are managing the best we can according to our resources, whether financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally. As for myself I have used this time to sort out some things that have been bothering me which has led to my rereading a book on my bookshelf. It came into my hands in 2012 while on Martha's Vineyard, and I read it on the journey home. But I must not have been "ready" for it yet because it did not impact me then the way it has now. I am finally able to understand my difficulty in enjoying my life these past few years. That is why I am sharing it here because it is a great resource for bringing joy into your life right now.
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. TAKE JOY! ~Fra Giovanni
WELCOME to the Take Joy Society. We are a group of ladies who first met because of our love of Tasha Tudor's art and lifestyle. We are broadening our focus to include other artists/writers/people of interest who embody Tasha's philosophy to Take Joy in all the good that life has to offer. Here you will find a record of our get-togethers and resources to help you see that the gloom of the world is but a shadow so that you, too, can Take Joy by Creating Joy in your life!
Showing posts with label Authenticity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Authenticity. Show all posts
Monday, May 18, 2020
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Repose of the Soul
"We have all met her, that special woman who draws you into her orb with a radiant smile. Her eyes light up as you tell her how you've been. She attracts men, women, children, and animals, for her complete attention is soothing and hypnotic. When you walk away from her you feel as if you have been bathed in a beautiful warm light." --Sarah Ban Breathnach, "Simple Abundance"
When I read Sarah's description of the type of woman that makes you feel "bathed in a beautiful warm light" I immediately thought of Susan Branch. I took this photo at a book signing in 2014 as the couple in front of me were getting their book signed by Susan. As you can see, Susan had a big smile on her face. I was the last in line and she'd been signing for over an hour! When it was my turn she rose up out of her chair and hugged me when I told her my name because she recognized it from all the comments I've made on her web journal over the years. . . .
When I read Sarah's description of the type of woman that makes you feel "bathed in a beautiful warm light" I immediately thought of Susan Branch. I took this photo at a book signing in 2014 as the couple in front of me were getting their book signed by Susan. As you can see, Susan had a big smile on her face. I was the last in line and she'd been signing for over an hour! When it was my turn she rose up out of her chair and hugged me when I told her my name because she recognized it from all the comments I've made on her web journal over the years. . . .
Bringing joy to her readers is one of Susan's hallmarks. She has been someone I've aspired to be like, besides wanting to draw and paint as she does. I practice my handwriting in hopes one day it will suddenly look like hers, but practicing her warmth does not come easily to me. She does not profess to be an outgoing person, yet she gives you her full attention and makes you feel special while you are in her "orb." So I was glad to read further in Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Simple Abundance" how I might acquire this ability. . . .
Sarah reminds me that if I will take the time to "step outside my own sphere to embrace others, [I] open [myself] up to the power of Spirit. " She says, "We are suddenly lit up from inside, and this illumination can transform our looks more effectively than any fancy salon beauty makeover." This, indeed, is repose of the soul.
P.S. If you want to print out Sarah's quote with Susan's artwork, drag it to your computer desktop.
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Take Joy!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Twelfth Day of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas I give to my true loves:
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The gift of Joy
Just for today celebrate the gift of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones. If you truly do this, you will want to celebrate not just for today, but everyday.
May Peace, Love & Joy be yours today and always.
May Peace, Love & Joy be yours today and always.
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Take Joy!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Eleventh Day of Christmas
On the eleventh day of Christmas I give to my true loves:
The gift of Peaceful Surroundings
There's something about a crackling fire that brings peace to my inner world. Perhaps it touches on some ancient memory of being warmed by a fire when it was a matter of life and death. Just for today do what you have to do to make your surroundings peaceful.....even if it's just your inner world.
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Take Joy!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Tenth Day of Christmas
The gift of Wonder
The gift of wonder is what keeps us young. Once you think you know it all what is left to live for? Just for today find someone who needs reminding of this and take them for a wander through nature. Help them to see things they've never seen before and to ask questions. Or go outside after dark and look to the sky and wonder what the shepherds saw that very special night long ago in Bethlehem.
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Take Joy!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Ninth Day of Christmas
The gift of Surprise
When my children were very little it was easy to surprise them on Christmas morning. They would get a few things they asked for, but also other things they didn't know about. As they got older it got harder for me to figure out what they might like, so I just stuck to their list. That's when I started adding a different element of surprise to their gifts: clues as to where to FIND their gifts. Sometimes I'd write the clues in rhyme. Other times they'd be given a clue to where to find the next clue and so on, until they eventually found their gifts. Even now I will sometimes hide one of their gifts or leave it for their stockings. You have three days to think of a way to surprise your family this Christmas. Come back here after Christmas and tell us what you did!
This is what I did in 2003. My boys were 24, 21, and 16. I read them the story, then gave them their clues (click on to enlarge). . . .
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Take Joy!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Eighth Day of Christmas
The gift of Communication
Hopefully, you've already sent out your Christmas cards by now, if that is your tradition. I've always sent cards, but it's only been in recent years that I've tried to personalize them. Newsletters have gotten a bad rap in my opinion. Yes, they can become a form of "gloating" about our good fortunes. But we all know there is always more to the story that isn't being shared because who wants to share the not-so-good news at Christmas. So instead, I see them as a way to keep in touch with the folks who are not a regular part of my life. I LOVE receiving others' news about their families, so I thought maybe others would like to hear what we've been up to as well. Some years I even add a poem or a story just to personalize it a little bit more. Just for today, even though your cards may already be in the mail by now, take a moment to share what's going on in your life with the people you come in contact with. By sharing first, maybe they'll share with you when you ask, "So how's it going with you?"
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Take Joy!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Seventh Day of Christmas
The gift of Beauty
We've only had snow on a couple Christmases here in Maryland. So when we do, like we did on Christmas Eve 2012, it is even more beautiful than the snow we have later in the winter. While you can't make it snow, just for today make a point of bringing something of beauty to someone's attention. It may be the sunrise or sunset, a bird in a tree, a particularly delightful window display. And there are always Christmas lights to admire in your community. Why not make an evening of driving, or better yet, walking through a neighborhood or downtown with someone you love.
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Take Joy!
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Sixth Day of Christmas
The gift of Good Cheer
I think animals are a great way to bring Good Cheer to others during the holidays. My photo montage of Gabriel's first Christmas when he was six months old brings a smile to my face every time. I was trying to capture him in my little Christmas scene for our Christmas card. The four side photos are only a few of the photos I took before getting the final one in the center. Just for today try to bring Good Cheer to someone's life that you know is feeling down. Christmas can often be a sad time for people who have suffered loss this time of year. It may be a phone call, a visit, or posting a fun photo of your pet on Facebook to bring a smile to someone's face.
P.S. Be sure to watch the video that comes with the song!
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Take Joy!
Friday, December 18, 2015
Fifth Day of Christmas
On the fifth day of Christmas I gave my true loves:
The gift of Tenderness
Sarah did not explain what she was thinking when she made her list of gifts so I am interpreting them from my own perspective. When I think of giving the gift of tenderness I think: understanding, compassion, forgiveness. To me tenderness means making allowances for others' mistakes, inadequacies....even intentional unkindness. It's meeting a harsh word with a kind word. Everyone is under pressure this time of year. Even if you are the one doing all the work, if you are stressed out about it, your loved ones are feeling it. They may "check out" or "lash out." Even if someone does not give you the gift of Tenderness, just for today try to give it to them. They obviously need a great deal of it. You can give them some of yours.
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Take Joy!
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Fourth Day of Christmas
On the fourth day of Christmas I gave my true loves:
The gift of Simple Seasonal Pleasures
There was a time I resented the intrusion of the secular celebration of Christmas on the spiritual celebration--even though I'd grown up believing in Santa. It was a great deal of fun as a child to anticipate the presents waiting for me Christmas morning. My little brother would always be the first to awake, though, and come get me. Perhaps he thought Big sister would make it OK to sneak into the living room before our parents woke up because then I'd get the blame. With fond memories such as these I continued the Santa tradition with my children even as I felt guilty doing so.
Now, I believe that all of life is spiritual if you just move the veil aside. I believe that God can be seen in all things, if we are looking from that perspective. There are lessons to be learned and truths to be gained by enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Just for today take the time to enJOY whatever the season has to offer with someone you love.
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Take Joy!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Third Day of Christmas
On the third day of Christmas I gave my true loves:
The gift of Creative Energy
Creative Energy can be anything that you've put some thought into. It's that little extra--like dining by candlelight with soft music playing in the background. It's making a handmade card for someone telling them you love them just for who they are. Just for today take some time to do something out of the ordinary.
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Take Joy!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Second Day of Christmas
On the second day of Christmas I gave my true loves:
The gift of Enthusiasm
Who better than a child to look to for enthusiasm. Do you think just for today you could get as excited about something as simple as a ride in a wagon around the living room--and then share your enthusiasm with someone?
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Take Joy!
Monday, December 14, 2015
First Day of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves:
The gift of my Undivided Attention
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Take Joy!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Becoming Real
Sarah Ban Breathnach uses the story of The Velveteen Rabbit, written by Margery Williams in 1927, to talk about authenticity. She writes, "For a long time, the bunny remained just another plaything in the nursery. But he didn't mind because he was able to carry on long, philosophical discussions with the old Skin Horse who was very old, wise, and experienced in the strange ways of nursery magic." One day the rabbit asked the Skin Horse , "What is REAL? Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?" The horse replied . . . .
Sarah says, "In order for us to become Real, we must become lovers of real life in all its complexity and uncertainty....The Velveteen Rabbit isn't alone in wishing to become Real without any uncomfortable or unpleasant things happening." She suggests growing gradually into our authenticity to alleviate some of the discomfort that comes with change. She says, "As you learn to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate what it is that makes you different from [everyone else], the process begins. As you learn to trust the wisdom of your heart and make creative choices based on what you know is right for you, process becomes progress. As you learn to endow even the smallest moment of each day with Love, progress becomes reality perfected."
When we are children if we feel neglected we too often try to please those around us so we will gain their love and attention. Sometimes we give up and just go for their attention which can be gotten either in the form of getting into trouble or becoming perfectionists. You may not even realize that you are not your "real" self because it's the only self you've ever known. That is the hard part of becoming real--digging deep, tearing away the layers, and finally reaching the most sensitive part of yourself. If you have someone in your life who will love you no matter what, the process will go more quickly. Their unconditional love will enable you to begin to change. It helps to let the people in your life know that you've begun this journey and ask for their understanding and support. In the end, though, it's your own commitment to do what your heart leads you to do.
For me, this has been my spiritual journey--discovering who I was created to be, and how that would play out in what I do. My process began when I realized that I could not become a lover of real life unless I knew there was Someone who was able to look out for me. As my faith grew I realized that the God who created me is good and wants only what is best for me. I knew He would love me no matter what--that I could go to Him when others did not understand. And that even the hard things work together for my good.
Skin Horse said, "You can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." Once I became confident in God's love I no longer needed others' approval. Now I am beautiful in God's sight, and that's all that matters.
For a taste of The Velveteen Rabbit:
If you'd like the entire story read to you, here is an entertaining young man to read it to you: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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Take Joy!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
It's Time
Sarah Ban Breathnach writes in Simple Abundance. . . .
"Has the other path worked? Have any of the world's gifts given you authentic happiness?......Here's what I think happens," she writes. "Just before we come to earth to begin this life, we are given a photograph of our futures--the Divine Plan--to get us excited about the great adventure ahead. As the photo pops out of the celestial camera, we're in such a hurry to get on with it, we grab the negative instead of the photograph. . . .
Now we've got the pattern of a fabulous life, but the perspective is reversed. What's white looks black. What's black appears white. We've got the big picture, but it's backward. So we cry when we should be laughing, are envious when we should feel inspired, experience deprivation instead of abundance, do it the hard way instead of the easy way, pull back instead of reaching out. And worst of all, we close our hearts so we won't get hurt, when opening them is the only way we'll ever know joy."
"How many times have we waited for Spirit to move for us, when in fact, Spirit is waiting to work with us? Today, take the negative of your Divine Plan and let Love develop it so that you can begin living the life for which you were created."
"It's time................"
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art: Susan Branch |
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Authentic Success
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art by: Susan Branch |
In Sarah Ban Breathnach's book, Simple Abundance, she writes that while wandering through an abandoned cemetery she discovered a wonderful definition of authentic success inscribed on the headstone of a woman who died in 1820: "The only pain she ever caused was when she left us."
It's probably too late for any of us to live up to that inscription for our grave stones, so I thought I'd list some of the other examples Sarah gives for authentic success. She begins with time.
Having time to. . . .
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- pursue personal pursuits that bring you pleasure
- make loving gestures for your family that you long to do
- care for your home, tend your garden
- nurture your soul
In your work you feel. . . . .
- focused and serene
- you're doing the best you possibly can and that is enough
With your gifts you've. . . . .
- accepted your limitations and made peace with your past
- discovered your passion and are calling forth your gifts so you can share them with the world
Authentic success is. . . . .
- not about accumulating but letting go because all you have is all you truly need
- feeling good about who you are, appreciating where you've been, celebrating your achievements, and honoring the distance you've already come
- reaching the point where being is as important as doing [afterall, we're human beings, not human doings]
- realizing that no matter how much time it takes for a dream to come true in the physical world, no day is ever wasted
- elevating labor to a craft and craft to an art by bestowing Love on every task you undertake
- is being grateful for the many blessings bestowed on you and yours that you can share your portion with others
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