The Take Joy Society begins its third year this month. We had a gorgeous day to begin our theme this year of exploring different nearby towns. Four of the six members got together to check out a new project recently completed in Hagerstown, MD called the Cultural Trail. We met at the Washington County Fine Arts Museum, which I featured last year in our January get-together, to view the art pieces by member Cindy in the exhibit "The Art of Life: Celebrating 85 Years of Art Education". . . .
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. TAKE JOY! ~Fra Giovanni
WELCOME to the Take Joy Society. We are a group of ladies who first met because of our love of Tasha Tudor's art and lifestyle. We are broadening our focus to include other artists/writers/people of interest who embody Tasha's philosophy to Take Joy in all the good that life has to offer. Here you will find a record of our get-togethers and resources to help you see that the gloom of the world is but a shadow so that you, too, can Take Joy by Creating Joy in your life!